Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Travels and Welcome to Rome!

Through Sunday evening and through most of Monday, the Saint Mary's Chamber Singers and Friends were on trek to Rome, Italy.  We left Chicago around 8:45p.m. and arrived in London around 10 a.m., and then at 12:30ish we left for Rome.  The flight to Rome was absolutely beautiful as we flew over the Alps.  It was a clear sky, so the view was amazing.  As we approached the Rome airport, we arrived over the Tyrrhenian Sea.  It was a great site as we approached the airport.

After landing in Rome, we all made it through customs and baggage claim and then met our tour guide, Claudia.  She is going to be a great host and guide to all of us this week.  We then made our way to Casa Lasalle on Via Aurelia in Rome. Casa Lasalle is going to be a great home-base for our travels this week.

Casa Lasalle provided a nice dinner for the entire group:  soup (a traditional Italian garbanzo bean soup), a nice salad, plenty of great Italian bread, fruits, a pasta course and then pork and spinach. After dinner, most of the group ventured out to do some exploring around Casa Lasalle and find the nearest ATM.  Tomorrow we are onto Assisi.   Was a great first evening in Roma!


Matt Polum, Gary Polum and Steve Ronchak relax before the flight to Europe
Hanging out in Chicago before the flight to London and Rome

Dr. Patrick O'Shea and Claudia, our tour guide in Rome.  Claudia greeted the Chamber Singers at the Rome Airport.

Aaron Pepple, Alex Green, Andy Bauer, Petey Brown, Matt Polum, Tyler Ringeisen, Susie Ringeisen, Sam Schepers, Ulysses Izaola enjoying a Rome cafe on Monday evening

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